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This product slows down the body's absorption of sugar and lipids, thereby reducing the rise in blood glucose levels and triglycerides after a meal. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., the company selling this supplement, is a global healthcare company founded in Japan in 1921


This supplement is a 'Food for Specified Health Use (Tokuho)'. 'Food for Specified Health Uses' refers to foods that have been approved by the Consumer Affairs Agency under a national review process, based on scientific evidence of efficacy and safety.

● Product Features

  • Dietary fiber (indigestible dextrin) slows down the body's absorption of sugar and lipids, thereby reducing the rise in blood glucose levels and triglycerides after a meal.
  • It is easily soluble in water, green tea, black tea and other beverages and can be consumed without changing the taste as it is an odourless, tasteless powder. Serve with meals.
  • Comes in a stick pack for easy carrying convenience.


● How to use
Dissolve in your favourite drink every time you eat breakfast, lunch or dinner.


● Ingredients
indigestible dextrin


● Nutrition Facts Per 1 package (6g)
Energy: 7kcal, protein: 0g, fat: 0g, carbohydrates: 5.1-5.8g (sugars: 0.1-0.8 g, dietary fiber: 5g), sodium chloride (salt) equivalent: 0mg
Effective ingredient: 5g indigestible dextrin (dietary fiber)

Supplement to Ease Sugar Absorption "The Wise Man" (30 packets per box)

SKU: h10
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  • High intake of this product does not cure diseases. Please consult a doctor or other medical expert before using this product if you are currently being treated for any illness/disease. Depending on your constituton and physical condition, over-consumption of this product may cause you to experience loose bowels.

  • Ingestion of large amounts does not cure disease. If you are under medical treatment, please consult your doctor or other specialist before taking this product. May cause stomach upset depending on your constitution, physical condition, or if you take too much.

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